Surface Water Management Design and Advice
Many industries need to comply with water discharge requirements that can be difficult because of high rainfall events, increased production rates, or specific chemical pollutants. A range of treatment and site management solutions can be applied to ensure compliance and in some cases resource recovery and improved process efficiency.
Currently clients across Australia and benefiting from government funded programs to improve site management and reduce their impacts on the environment with the help of technical advice from REID.
Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategies
REID continues to prepare strategic water management plans for regional NSW Councils in accordance with the DPI Water IWCM Guidelines. This work involves a review of Councils water operations and management systems in close collaboration with key staff. A costed plan of action and recommendations is delivered that enables Council to apply for implementation funding.

Sustainability Advantage Panel of Providers
REIDenvironmental is now on the panel of providers for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Sustainability Advantage Program. The program offers specialist support through the panel to more than 500 businesses across NSW to achieve increased competitiveness and improved bottom lines through better environmental practices.
REID provides specialist advice in resource efficiency, focussing on water and facility monitoring systems, and collaborates with 2XE and Uminex to provide waste and energy expertise.

Bondi Junction Sustainable Water Management Solutions
Waverley Council is committed to reducing water and energy use by 2050 and utilising alternate supplies where possible as part of their Green Infrastructure Masterplan. The Bondi Junction precinct is the crucible for testing out innovative ideas to achieve this ambition.
In association with Aecom, REID completed the water component of the project and worked with a diverse group of experts to develop a world leading sustainability design for the future of Bondi Junction.

Sydney Water - Land and Waterways Planning Projects
Reid has developed a $20 Million Capital Works program for Sydney Water to implement waterways improvement projects for the Georges, Cooks and Parramatta river catchments. This involved compiling several layers of data into a meaningful GIS and web-based mapping and decision making framework, and developing concept designs to prioritise future water quality improvement actions. Extensive consultation with the various Councils and stakeholders to develop projects resulted in a successful delivery outcome in a new space for Sydney Water to contribute to Sydney becoming a water sensitive city.
We also represent Sydney Water on the Westconnex and Sydney Light Rail transport development projects, providing environmental and water management advice to the developers to comply with Sydney Water's various requirements for flood impacts, water quality and asset protection.
Parkes Shire Council Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan
In collaboration with a team of specialists, we developed a new integrated water cycle management plan for Parkes Shire, to direct their investment in water infrastructure and guide their efforts in better water management over the next 30 years. We were the first to follow the new NSW Office of Water guidelines for IWCM preparation and through the process delivered an improved data management framework for the future.
Council are now designing new water and wastewater treatment plants, with an advanced water treatment facility to provide for district water recycling.

Opinion Article for the AWA Water Journal - May 2014
As the co-chair of the AWA Water Efficiency Specialist Group, I have submitted an article entitled, "The Price of Water Efficiency is Eternal Vigilance." It essentially outlines the need for water efficiency to be considered part of normal business practices, to ensure any gains made through water auditing and implementing water saving measures can be maintained in the future. Even the most efficiently designed building can waste water through bad management and poor maintenance of the system.
Guest Lecturer - Sydney University
Reid Butler will be lecturing as part of the Masters of Sustainability at Sydney University each session. The module includes three lectures on urban sustinability and an assignment based around the students visiting and documenting the features of constructed water quality improvement devices; such as raingardens, gross pollutant traps, wetlands or stormwater havrvesting projects from all around Sydney.

We are actively looking to work with other like minded companies and individuals to work on industry leading projects such as developments, urban centre rejuvenation, catchment management, new sustainable buildings and other innovative proposals. Being a small company, we often need to team up with other experts, but this means the client gets the best knowledge and effort for their projects.
Collaboration is also the best way to achieve the multi displinairy approach that is require to repsond to challenging environmental issues.
We also are pursuing research projects with universities to answer some of the long standing questions and hopefully to develop innovative products for future benefit.
Contact us today to talk about opportunities.