These are some of the things we can do...
Water Efficiency Auditing
As leaders in the water efficiency field, we offer considerable expertise and insight in auditing of all kinds of buidings, sites and property portfolios. We have completed more than 5,000 audits over 10 years and have seen the ins and outs of a very wide range of facilities.
The audits typically involve site inspections of the hydraulic system and measurement of the condition and flow rates of all water using fixtures.
This information is supported, where feasible, by sub-metering and monitoring, to develop a schematic diagram of the site and a water balance showing how much water is used around the site.
This then informs designing a cost effective action plan, with quotes and expected savings including water bills, energy costs related to water pumping and heating, and any other charges.
We have access to online monitoring systems to complete the site audits but are also invaluable for the future management of the sites.
We have been able to save significant volumes of water over the years, some projects winning awards and some even in brand new buildings.
Urban Water Management - WSUD
Stormwater runoff from urban areas can pollute and degrade downstream waterways, but simple and natural Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features can contribute to reducing that impact, while providing areas of vegetation in the city which don't need watering, and be incorporated into other road works such as footpath verges, roundabouts and other traffic calming devices.
We have designed and constructed many WSUD systems like ponds and raingardens for a range of development types and public open spaces.
We also develop strategies for the long term implementation of WSUD across Councils or catchments, to have a coordinated and effective approach. We develop policies, DCPs and design guidelines to direct future projects.
These works are supported by a keen desire to build the capacity of everyone we work with, explaining the principles and fostering learning by doing, so that the success of the constructed measures can be assured for the future.
Cooling Tower Monitoring and Auditing
As one of the highest water users in many commercial and industrial buildings, cooling towers provide an excellent opportunity to reduce water use at a site through efficiency improvements, water consumptions and quality monitoring and using alternate water supplies.
As accredited auditors, the Future Fixers can annually check your cooling tower system and make sure it is operating safely and with minimal water waste.
We also have a range or monitoring system solutions to enable easy reporting and management of the cooling towers and integration with Building Management Systems.
Where possible we can also design alternate water supplies to existing or future systems and develop alternative cooling strategies that don't rely on water evaporation.
Site Masterplanning
We work with landscape architects and urban planners on defining the key development objectives for a site, understanding the opportunities and delivering innovative integrated water management solutions.
This involves a broad spectrum of inputs including:
Site analysis and constraints mapping
Site layout design for drainage and water sensitive urban design
Legislative requirements
Demand assessment for water supply
Scoping water supply and sewer infrastructure requirements
Flood adaptation and mitigation strategies
Wetlands and ponds for stormwater capture treatment and re-use
Green Roofs, Walls and Urban Agriculture
Water is essential to green infrastructure and our skills with integrated water management and efficiency result in truly sustainable solutions for the more aesthetic built elements incorporating vegetation.
We can supply pre-built green wall panels and green screens and supply fit-for-use water to the building roof and walls in a safe and cost effective way.
We can advise on the design of roof water capture systems to integrate with green roof elements, and work with structural engineers to design systems that work with the building framework.
Where feasible, it is often wise to include edible vegetables to meet the needs of the nearby community, and we have designed and built; and continue to garden in; community gardens in dense urban areas.
Rain and Stormwater Harvesting
Having installed slimline rainwater tanks in residential houses and 500kL systems in commercial and industrial facilities, we can design a water harvesting system to suit any uses. We specify all the requirements of the system including tanks, piping, pumps and treatment systems. Of course the designs are prepared only after the equipment to be supplied has been assessed and optimised to operate at its most efficient. All approvals and current guidelines for water harvesting will be complied with and processed.
Also, through years of monitoring rainwater harvesting systems for research programs, we know what works and how to optimise existing systems. We have developed a guideline for builders to install rainwater tanks and contributed to two chapters of the CSIRO book on rainwater tanks, published in August 2014.
Research and Training
We work with research organisations such as CSIRO, CRCs and universities to investigate the questions that arise during the course of our normal work, as well as investigating innovations for the future.
As part of our collaborative approach we also value delivering training programs to other industry practitioners so that the knowledge we gain through our project experience can be spread widely. This allows us to move forward with more innovative solutions and ensure the industry has the capacity to maintain the achievements of each successful project.
Industrial Ecology
Combining efficient resource management, monitoring of process flows and optimising site management practices can be expanded across property lines to create precincts working symbiotically with waste streams from one supplying another.
This field is an exciting area to foster collaboration and cooperation, involving myriad opportunites, but also many interesting technical and political problems to overcome.
Policy and Program Development
Our experience and contacts in the industry are invaluable for linking people together to develop programs aimed at achieving truly sustainable and innovative outcomes. We can assist the creation of and project manage the delivery of programs and policies to make positive and useful changes to the current paradigm in all levels of government.
Our skills in facilitation of group sessions, workshops and community exhibitions is renowned and we have engaging public speakers.